How to Grow up and Rule the World
It's a wonderfully evil genius written non-wimpy kid reading simply genius book. In this guide you will not only find out how to grow up and rule the world, but you will also learn what minions to use, and what diabolically evil plans already failed (Caution do not use for your own plans). As Vordak says "it will let a little piece of pond scum like your self to one day GROW UP AN RULE THE WORLD. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!"
I liked this book a lot because of the interaction between Vordak and "you". In the beginning he says that he was so smart that he will ask your questions for you. My favorite chapter is the Superhero chapter. I laughed at the letter to the publisher that Vordak wrote, It said "Caution Do NOT read chapter if you don't rule the world". It was supposed to be at the beginning of the You Rule the World What Now? chapter.